My Sophomore Attempt at Meme-ing
Dawno, the lovely lady who runs the Blogging board at Absolute Write, posts an AW Monday Meme every week, and because I've never figured out what this blog is supposed to be about, I haven't jumped in and done them. Well, how am I ever going to find out what my blog is supposed to be if I don't play with it a bit more? So here we have... The AW Hair Meme 1. What length do you currently keep your hair? Long-ish. See pic of me with iPod. But this is actually fairly short for me. 2. Is that different from 5 years ago? 10? How about when you were a teen? I've always had long hair, save for one embarrassing poodle perm chin-length bob when I was 12-14. At its longest, it's hit my butt. At its usual length, it's not quite halfway down my back. Here's a pic of my brother dancing with me at my engagement party almost 4 years ago... 3. What color is it naturally? 4. If you color your hair do you like to go for natural or colorful (like pink or blue, etc.) I really li...