
Showing posts from March, 2014

Adventures of a Top Amazon Reviewer

I'm a top-500 Amazon reviewer, which means that companies and authors often write to ask me to review their stuff. I look forward to that and usually love doing it, but every now and then a request comes in that's really unethical, obnoxious, or crazy. Herewith, I present some of my least favorite types of review requests so that if you are a company or author seeking reviewers on Amazon, you'll have a better idea what we top Amazon reviewers like and don't like. 1. "Please help me out." Probably my most frequently-received bad request is from self-published authors asking me to help them out because "this is my first novel and I put it on Amazon yesterday and I could really use feedback!" I don't review out of pity. I don't select anything for review that I wouldn't have been interested enough to consider buying, so I won't review things that sound amateurish or are in genres that don't interest me a lot. As a ...