November 1st Collection of Assorted Thoughts

We had more trick or treaters this year than we've ever had at our house, which I loved! I'm sure it was because of the warm weather. All the kids came over between 3:15 and 7:30. I panicked and ran out to get more candy at 7:30 because we had only five bars of 100 Grand left... and then not a single kid showed up after I put the whole bag of Crunch bars in the bowl.

So, in other news...

We all knew it, too! I don't know why, but starting at the 12-week scan, I had such a strong hunch that this was a girl growing inside me, and Anthony and my parents and brother and sister all agreed. I think I would have demanded a second opinion if the technician had said otherwise.

Now the challenges are: coming up with a name, and picking out nursery stuff!

The names I like are getting vetoed, it appears. My first choices were Sienna Marene and Sariyah. Anthony was already iffy on Sienna because it's a color, but when he found out Toyota came out with a Sienna model, well... that was it. Can't have a daughter named after a brownish color AND a car, I guess. And my aunt and cousin both said that Sariyah (sa-RYE-yah) sounds too much like psoriasis.

The current leading contender is also an "S" name. Anthony and my mom both suggested it individually, so I'm trying to like it. No, scratch that-- I do like it. I just don't love it yet.

Today, I'm going to see Les Miserables for either the sixth or seventh time, not sure. It's been many years, though. I saw it repeatedly in high school, each time with different people. I went with my theatre friends, my French class, my family, my best friend... now we're going back for my mom's birthday.

That's the Broadway show I've seen the most, followed by Miss Saigon, which I saw four times. What can I say? I hung out with a theatre crowd, and my family's a theatre family. It's just too bad tickets have gotten so expensive. Even the half-price tickets are tough to afford these days.

Oof! Little baby S is kicking in weird spots. Do you think if I hang upside down, she'll move somewhere less weird?

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