Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive

Diapers and I are not friends, in general. I've never found a brand and type that really works for Sarina, who apparently has an unusual body type for a toddler. (She's tall and thin, so the leg holes are always... insufficient.) But as the months go on, I've switched brands and types a few times, because different types have worked better for her at different ages.

What started it all were the Pampers Swaddlers, which I kept her in as long as possible. And now they've introduced Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive, which is a nice step up. Pampers sent me a pack to review-- hey, thanks, Pampers-- but since Sarina is beyond the "Swaddlers" sizes (which go up to only size 2), I can't give a tried-and-tested review, only a review of my observations.

What got me excited about this diaper (yes, moms DO get excited about these sorts of things) was the "wetness indicator." The PR person emphasized this, but I was surprised to see that it wasn't at all highlighted on the package. In fact, it wasn't mentioned on the front of the package at all-- just this tiny little blurb on the top part of the package.

Turns out maybe it was best not to mention it too much. There's a stripe down the middle of the diaper that turns from pale yellow to blue when the baby is wet... at least in theory. In practice, I had to put an awful lot of water into that diaper before it decided to "indicate." By then, I think I'd be able to tell the diaper was wet without needing to see an indicator. I'd just notice the giant puffy diaper.

But what really did deliver was the softness. Ohh, the softness. I picked up this diaper and wanted to cuddle with it. (Hush your mouth.) I swear. It's that soft. I had to rub it again 10 minutes later just because it gave me softness glee. (Stop looking at me like that.)

There's a touch of aloe in it and it's made to allow air to reach baby's skin to stay drier. The idea is that this is a very breathable, gentle, hypoallergenic diaper. Which sounds like a good idea to me.


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