Our First Grammatical Debate

Sarina's new favorite song is "When the Lights Go Out" by the Doodlebops, which is lucky for me, because I really like the song, too. But she believes that the correct wording should be "When the Lights Go Down."

We argued about it for a bit. I told her that she was indeed right that it could be "When the Lights Go Down," but that in this case, the song lyric was "When the Lights Go Out," which was also acceptable. She would have none of it.

"Of course, 'When the Lights Go Down,'" she told me.

She made me put on the music video again, and I thought this would settle the debate, but instead, I believe she was making me watch it so I could see just how very, very wrong DeeDee Doodlebug was. Perhaps she wanted me to write a letter of protest to make them change the title.

Or perhaps she was just stalling bedtime again.

Here she is singing the Sesame Street theme song. 19 months old.

Here she is singing the ABCs.

And here she is cracking up in a video I like to call "Down, Cat," to prove that even budding geniuses can still laugh at stupid stuff.

Halloween pics coming up in the next post. Stay tuned.


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