The Jolly Pink Giant

I'd just like to note here that as of week 5 of Sarina's life, she had already outgrown her newborn stuff and is now wearing the size 3-6-month clothes. She's 11 pounds now, and 25 inches long, and at the rate she's eating, I think she's trying very hard to become a giant (or at least more roly poly). No wonder I'm having a hard time keeping up with her-- I finally tracked it, and she drinks 36 ounces of milk per day. "Normal" consumption for a baby is 19 to 30 ounces.

I'm starting to get back to work now, albeit slowly. I got the page proofs of a book on bullying that I co-wrote, so while she sleeps, I go through with my trusty red pen and mark the corrections. There are some pretty awful typos in the table of contents (which my coauthor and I didn't write), and this version went out to reviewers. I'm a bit embarrassed. Of course, it says "Uncorrected Galley Proofs" on the cover, but as a reviewer, I've seen that before and still judged a book as sloppy when there were multiple typos or grammatical errors. Can't help it. I'm very judgy that way.

The main reason I came online was to look up "temperament" in an online dictionary (I like I thought it was spelled "temperment." Did you?

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